Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Food and the Talmud

We were asked to provide a work listing all the foods mentioned in the Talmud, especially citrus fruits. We suggested Samuel Krauss’ Kadmoniyot Ha-Talmud (Tel Aviv, Dvir, 1923-1945) (DS111.1 .K855 1923 Reference), vol. 2, part 1; the section on fruits is p.224-229. Another source is Yehuda Feliks’ Atse-Peri le-Minehem, Tsimhe ha-Tanakh ve-Hazal (Jerusalem, Mass, 1994) (BS665 .F432 1994).

1 comment:

  1. How about something in English? There are two useful chapters in John Cooper's Eat and be Satisfied (Aronson, 1993).
